Jelly bean succulents (Sedum rubrotinctum)
Jelly bean succulents (Sedum rubrotinctum) are evergreen, low-growing seasonal succulents that are belonging to Mexico. Also frequently referred to as “pork as well as beans” or “banana cactus”, jelly bean succulents belong of the Sedum category in the family Crassulaceae. They look stunning in succulent setups or expanded by themselves. Thanks to their sprawling growth routine, fully grown jelly bean succulents can additionally be utilized as ground cover.
These adorable are a crossbreed of Sedum pachyphyllum as well as Sedum stahlii as well as are characterized by small chubby leaves that transform bright red/bronze in warm, bright conditions.
Sedum rubrotinctum Requirements

Frequently Asked Questions
Sedum rubrotinctum does well in full sun.
Sedum rubrotinctum can grow up to 12 inches tall.
No Sedum rubrotinctum is not cold hardy.
Sedum rubrotinctum can be propagated by leaves and stem cuttings.
Sedum rubrotinctum can be toxic to humans or animals.
The plant hardiness zone for Sedum rubrotinctum is Zone 9 to Zone 11.
The Sedum rubrotinctum heat zone ranges from Zone 9 to Zone 10.
Sedum rubrotinctum requires well drained soil.
Sedum rubrotinctum is a low maintenance succulent plant.
Other Types of Sedum
- Sedum clavatum
- Sedum morganianum ‘Burrito’
- Sedum dendroideum
- Sedum dasyphyllum
- Sedum laxum
- Sedum suaveolens
- Sedum alpestre
- Sedum lucidum
- Sedum adolphii
- Sedum spathulifolium
- Sedum pachyphyllum
- Sedum nussbaumerianum
- Sedum anglicum
- Sedum caeruleum
- Sedum morganianum ‘Burro’s Tail’
- Sedum stahlii
- Sedum confusum
- Sedum ewersii
- Sedum glaucophyllum
- Sedum spurium