Succulents are most famous as houseplants. They look perfect displayed in bookshelves or window ledges at your homes and offices. However, succulents are not limited to indoor conditions. There are some amazing succulents that can be grown outdoors. If you are planning to include a few new plants in your outdoor gardens, try to add a few outdoor succulents. You will be amazed to see how beautifully these plants will adorn your outdoor gardens.  

While growing succulents outdoors you need to keep in mind the temperature, season, rainfall, and sunlight intensity. Succulents have special requirements for environmental conditions. Therefore, the succulent that you are going to choose must be able to survive the outdoor conditions. 

Check out the list of some amazing succulents that can thrive well in outdoor gardens. 


Best Succulents for Outdoors infographic

1. Sedum (Stonecrop) 

Sedum stonecrop

Sedum, commonly known as stonecrop is an easy-to-maintain succulent. It is a hardy succulent that can thrive well outdoors.  Sedum succulents have several different species or varieties that are mainly divided into two groups, 1) upright sedum and 2) creeping sedum. Upright sedum grows in the form of tall clumps while the creeping sedum tends to grow as ground cover. Sedum succulents thrive best in full sun in well-draining soils. Overwatering can be harmful to their health as it causes root rot and decay. 

2. Echeveria 


Echeveria is one of the most popular groups of succulents. They come in a variety of colors that create a perfect display in any arrangement. They can be easily grown outdoors either in containers or directly in the garden soil. Echeveria succulents are drought tolerant and can even tolerate neglect. 

They should be planted in well-drained soils under plenty of sunshine typically 4 to 5 hours a day. If they do not receive plenty of sunlight they will become leggy or stretched out. During winter they should be planted in frost-free locations to prevent frost damage. 

3. Sempervivum


Sempervivum is also known as Hens and Chicks. It is well known for its ability to tolerate cold, windy, and dry environments. Some of its varieties are sensitive to cold. If you are looking for Sempervivum varieties that can be grown outdoor, then try to find the varieties that can tolerate cold during winter. The hardy nature of Sempervivum makes it a perfect choice for outdoor gardens. 

Grow your sempervivum succulents in sandy soil with good drainage. These succulents are pretty sensitive to overwatering so the provision of good drainage is the most important requirement to make them grow healthy. Try adding a few Sempervivum succulents in your outdoor gardens they will definitely brighten up your space with their wonderful appearances. 

4. Agave


Agave is a beautiful succulent that looks wonderful in containers or garden beds. It can be grown as an outdoor succulent throughout the year in frost-free regions.  They need full to partial sun and well-draining sandy soil for their healthy growth. Most of the Agave plants cannot tolerate frost but some species can handle frost pretty well. 

5. Aeonium


Aeoniums is another group of amazing succulents that can be grown outdoors. They thrive best in well-drained soil at a sunny spot. These succulents go into dormancy during summer and don’t like to be watered.  

When growing Aeoniums in outdoor gardens, keep in mind that they have a shallow root system so the soil should not be allowed to dry out completely. Water the succulents well when the top couple of inches of the soil dry out completely. 

6. Senecio

Senecio Blue Chalksticks

Senecio is a wide group of succulents. They have a variety of plants including small trailing plants and large shrub-type plants. They also spread as ground covers and create a beautiful display. Senecio succulents love to grow in full sun. They should be grown in well-drained soils to prevent damage from soggy soil.  Senecio succulents can tolerate heat and a few varieties can also tolerate cold. But remember prolonged exposure to cold temperatures can turn them mushy. 

7. Graptopetalum


Graptopetalum is a pretty succulent that looks spectacular in full sun or dappled shade. They thrive well in hot weather but are sensitive to overwatering. Therefore Graptopetalum succulents should be grown in well-drained soils. Use raised beds with sandy or rocky soil to grow Graptopetalum in your outdoor gardens. They can tolerate drought but they can not tolerate frost. If you are living in extremely cold regions then it is better to grow these succulents in containers. 

8. Dudleya


Dudleya is also known as ‘Liveforever’. The name speaks a lot about the nature of this succulent. It is a highly forgiving succulent that thrives on neglect. Some varieties of this succulent are extremely long-lived that they can survive from 50 to 100 years. 

They grow well at a sunny or bright location. Dudleya succulents prefer to grow in a cool environment but they can not tolerate frost. They should be provided enough light because too little light can cause etiolation.