Do you have lingering questions about how to find the best succulent soil? We’re happy to answer. Here are a few of the most common inquiries. 

Succulent Soil FAQ 

Do succulents require a special kind of soil? 

Yes. Because succulents, like cacti, are native to dry and arid areas, they typically fare best with sandy and well-draining soil. If you provide your succulents with the same soil you use in your vegetable garden, they’ll actually retain too much water, and likely die pretty quickly. 

What kind of soil is ideally suited for succulents? 

Generally, you’ll want soil that’s sandy and fast draining. Seek soils that are at least 50 percent sand, perlite, or minerals. Higher mineral content means better drainage. 

What about planting succulents in rocks? 

While rocks can make a helpful addition to your succulent soil, allowing for better drainage, you can’t use only rocks. You’ll need some soil to ensure that your succulents can access the nutrients they need. 

Is it okay to plant succulents in pots without holes? 

This practice is generally frowned upon, simply because holes at the bottom of the pot will allow for the kind of drainage your succulents require. 

If you have any additional questions about potting and propagating succulents, or about choosing the right kind of soil, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us at your convenience.