Sempervivum is a genus of concerning 40 varieties of blooming plants in the Crassulaceae family members, frequently referred to as houseleeks. Other usual names include liveforever (the source of the taxonomical designation Sempervivum, essentially “always/forever alive”) and also hen as well as chicks, a name shown to plants of various other category too. They are succulent perennials forming floor coverings made up of tufted leaves in rosettes. In beneficial problems they spread out quickly using offsets, and numerous species are valued in farming as groundcover for dry, sunny locations.
Sempervivums date Morocco to Iran, via the hills of Iberia, the Alps, Carpathians, Balkan hills, Turkey, the Armenian hills, in the northeastern part of the Sahara Desert, as well as the Caucasus. Their ability to store water in their thick leaves permits them to reside on warm rocks and also stony areas in the mountain, subalpine as well as alpine belts. Most are durable to United States zone 4, as well as will manage cozy climates to concerning area 8.