Aeonium urbicum

Aeonium urbicum 

Aeonium urbicum is a seasonal monocarpic (that blossom, set seeds and afterwards die) unbranched (or hardly ever few-branched) subshrubs to 2 metres high, similar to Aeonium webbii. It has substantial “supper plate” rosettes spanning 15 to 30 centimetres with freely prepared, light green leaves. It is an amazing succulent that at blooming time makes one of the greatest blooming heads you will certainly ever see. Blossoms are pink to green white. It owes its name Urbicum to the fact that in its native home it grows on the roof coverings of residences in towns as well as towns. 


Aeonium Urbicum, also known as “Saucer Plant,” is a notable succulent in the Aeonium genus, appreciated for its large, saucer-shaped rosettes and robust growth.

  • Appearance: It forms large, flat rosettes of thick, fleshy leaves. The rosettes are distinguished by their size and the somewhat rounded tips of the leaves.
  • Color: The leaves are a deep green, often with a slightly glossy appearance. In full sun, the leaf edges may develop a reddish tinge.
  • Size: The rosettes of Aeonium Urbicum are among the largest in the genus, often reaching up to 18 inches or more in diameter. The plant has a short, stout stem, giving it a compact, ground-hugging appearance.
  • Flowers: It produces tall flower spikes adorned with small, star-shaped flowers, usually in shades of yellow. The flowering typically occurs in the spring or early summer.

Cultivation and Propagation

Aeonium Urbicum is relatively easy to care for but requires some specific considerations due to its size.

  • Light Requirements: Prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate some direct sunlight. However, too much direct sun can cause leaf scorch.
  • Soil: Thrives in well-draining soil, ideally a succulent or cactus mix.
  • Watering: Water moderately, allowing the soil to dry out completely between watering. Over-watering can be detrimental, especially during the dormant period.
  • Temperature: Likes mild climates and should be protected from frost. In colder regions, it’s best grown in a container that can be moved indoors during winter.
  • Propagation: Can be propagated through stem cuttings or offsets. Allow the cuttings to dry and callous for a few days before planting in well-draining soil.

Aeonium Urbicum, with its large saucer-shaped rosettes, is a striking addition to succulent gardens, rockeries, or as a standalone feature in a large container.

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Aeonium Urbicum Requirements

Aeonium urbicum Requirements infographic
Aeonium Urbicum Requirements Infographic

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Aeonium urbicum Sun Exposure Requirements?

Aeonium urbicum does well in full sun to partial shade.

How tall does Aeonium urbicum Get?

Aeonium urbicum can grow up to 12 inches tall.  

How wide does Aeonium urbicum Grow? 

Aeonium urbicum can grow up to 36 inches wide. 

Is Aeonium urbicum Cold Hardy?

No Aeonium urbicum is not cold hardy.  

What methods of propagation are there for Aeonium urbicum?

Aeonium urbicum can be propagated by cuttings. 

Is Aeonium urbicum Toxic to humans or animals?

Aeonium urbicum can be toxic to humans or animals. 

What are the plant hardiness zones for Aeonium urbicum?

The plant hardiness zone for Aeonium urbicum is Zone 9 to Zone 11. 

What are the heat zones for Aeonium urbicum?

The Aeonium urbicum heat zones range from Zone 4 to Zone 9.

What are the soil drainage requirements for Aeonium urbicum?

Aeonium urbicum requires well drained soil. 

What are the maintenance requirements for Aeonium urbicum?

Aeonium urbicum is a low maintenance succulent plant. 

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